Saturday, April 09, 2005
Europe Europe Here I come...
I have bought some "sleeping pills" for the trip so that I can sleep and wake up feeling fresh for my trip. I have difficulty sleeping on the plane and it's really frustrating at times especially if your hubby is someone who can fall asleep at a snap of the fingers kind.
I wonder what movies they have on the plane... our bestman has kindly offered to send us to the airport. He's a nice guy, been my hubby's friend since young.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
My Big Day

The day had finally come after months and months of planning and arguments. Today began with a slight drizzle. I woke up at about 6am as the makeup artist supposed to be here about 7am but she only appeared about 7.30am and cited reasons such as rain and no parking. Well, it's my big day and i was not about to let anything get to me.
She finished the makeup about 8.30am and that's about the time when my hubby and his "brothers" arrived. I was in the room and totally unaware of what was going on outside. After that, everything went so fast that I wasn't sure what was going on. I was just going about doing the things i was supposed to do such as miling for the camera, serving tea to relatives and taking more photos.
Finally, i got a little time for a rest after a whirlwind morning. Checked into the hotel about 2.30pm but i couldn't really sleep so i just hang around for a while and did some channel surfing. When I am feeling the urge to sleep, it's time to do my makeup. Our pastor flew in especially from the USA. He wanted to solemnise our wedding as he watched my hubby grew up before migrating to USA. So nice of him right but we did give him one really big big ang pow for doing so.
The makeup artist was late again, citing she can't find my room this time. My solemnisation was supposed to begin at 6.30pm and by the time i finished my makeup and rushed to the terrace for my solemnisation, it was nearing 7pm. Thank God, the sky is clear and my wonderful "jie meis" did a great job helping me turn the terrace overlooking the sea from the cliff into a beautiful garden.
I thought I would have no problem walking down the stairs to the garden but i find myself kept pulling my gown and grabbing my dad as I walked down the stairs, fearing I would trip and fell flat at the bottom of the stairs. Hahahaha.
As I walked down the aisle (ok, it's the stairs),seriously, I have no idea what I am thinking of then. Everything went on as planned and soon, i was taking photos again and mingling with the rest before dinner commenced.
Dinner setting was great. We bought our own wedding favors which consist of a shotglass with a sticker of our names and wedding date on it. The tables were decorated with vases of white calla lilies and tealight candles on each side. The fist dish was presented by the duo (D'eastorn Ritmo) we invited to provide entertainment to our guests. We even had a real 3-tiered cake in triple chocolate and lychee mousse decorated with white roses.Yum yum. Food was great, company was wonderful. Everything seemed perfect (I think so). Heehee. I guessed everyone had a good time. (I hoped so..haha, no one complanined so far). Now I am looking forward to my 25 days europe honeymoon in 6 days time.