Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Desperado...Mummy's Boy....????
From the shortlisted list, 95% of the applicants are from China and they hold really good academic and internship experience. Dean's List...Scholar etc.
Anyway, the interesting part is this. After the interviews and aptitude tests, hubby finally decided on one. And yesterday, hubby received a call from a lady and she said she's the mother of one of the applicant who didn't get hired.
She began asking hubby why his son is not chosen, what is the criteria, can hubby help him to look for another job in the company since the company so big, his son needs to vacate his NTU hostel and no where to stay (he's a malaysian) and that she used to appeal successfully for his son to get into the science stream in school so she is appealing now and so on.
I would be so embarassed if my mum did that. I wondered if this guy knew his mum called my hubby or he asked his mum to do that? No one knows.
I was telling my hubby, even if he's capable, I would not want to hire this guy. Imagine if he didn't get a promotion or a raise or a bonus next time, his mum will call up my hubby again and ask a lot of questions.
Lazy Monday
We wolfed down our breakfast in 15mins as we were there pretty late. Before heading back, I wanted to go get the donuts that my friend was talking about from Burlington Square.
It's called Summer House and located at #01-05 at Burlington Square, just opposite Sim Lim Square. There wasn't much variety, the donuts are pretty ok, although I still prefer the ones I got from Bangkok. Yum Yum.
We went back home and guess what? We went back to bed!! Hahahaa...we are a couple of lazy pigs. We slept from around 5pm to 7pm before Hubby had to go for his badminton session. Initially, I thought of asking him to bring me to my mum's plc as my mum's plc is pretty near the place where he had his badminton. In the end, I did not go but stayed at home and do my work.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Teahouse at China Square
We were there pretty late around 4pm but the place was like half empty. Not a lot of pple. We were told, we need to pay for chinese tea, I must have not been in teahouse for a long time. I thought the tea comes with the buffet?
Then we were told that all the items were on the area near the kitchen, I thought you can either ordered from the menu or take them yourselved previously? Never mind, I looked at the menu and some of the items I wanted were no longer on the menu such as chu chang fen and the luo mi ji (glutinous rice with chicken wrapped in lotus leaf). When I asked, the person said it's now ala carte items.
The varieties had shrink by pretty much and there was practically no service, no wonder they removed the service charge. I think it will be the last time I am going to go to teahouse, I would rather go Hong Xin at Chin Swee.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
We wanted to go for McDonald's breakfast and bought the BBQ food at the same time but we woke up late and only managed to make it for lunch but not at McDonald's. We were deciding between Lemongrass and Sakae Sushi and finally decided on Lemongrass. We were the only customers in Lemongrass.
The bill came up pretty ok after 30% discount for UOB credit cards. After buying the chicken wings, hotdogs etc, we headed back home and dumped everything into the fridge. I wasn't sure why I felt so tired and I ended up napping until I woke up suddenly realising that I did not buy any prawns. Haha...so we went downstairs to buy some fried bee hoon and fishballs and prawns from the supermart.
That was about 4pm already and we booked the tennis court and pool table for them to play. Eventually they came only at 4.30pm. My niece loved swimming so much that she can spent the whole day at the pool. She even made friends with this eurasian gal who was at the pool with her ang mo father. They were playing and running around the pool. We finally asked her to get out of the pool around 6.30pm as we wanted to start the BBQ already.
No pictures of the BBQ as I was busy BBQing for everyone. Now I must start to think what I should buy for the next BBQ.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
My new Coach Bag from USA
Monday, June 18, 2007
What a weekend
It started to rain very heavily on our way to pick them up but the rain stopped when we reached our place. As the kids are still recovering from flu, my parents don't allow them to swim in the pool.
But I think they were pretty fine with it, running around the house, taking out all my stuff toys and fighting over them.
After reaching home not long, we made our way to the function room in the club house as one of our neighbours (who happened to be our NUS course mate) was having a full month celebration for his baby boy. Met up with the rest of the neighbours and chatted a bit.
After dinner, we proceeded to giant supermart at tampines. The kids loved the outing, running around the supermart and pushing the trolley. I guessed the outing sort of tired them out as they fell asleep shortly after we made our way home.
Started the next day pretty late as the kids were up only about 10am, my mum was quite surprised that they slept till so late as they were usually up about 7am. My parents went exploring the neighbourhood and I asked them to pack lunch for me as my hubby was out attending an indian wedding in the morning.
We were going to go to the airport for 2 things this evening. One was to meet my sister and her hubby who will arrived around 6pm from Phuket and the other was to have father's day dinner with my in-laws and family while waiting for my hubby's sis to arrive from Shanghai about 10pm.
We were slightly late in meeting my sis as the kids were playing in the playground downstairs and my parents had to drag them up and gave them a shower before going to the airport.
I got my sis to buy listerine for me from phuket as the listerine there were much cheaper than singapore. A 750ml bottle costs about S$5 there whereas it costs about S$8.50 here. My sis also bought my favourite seaweed flavour potato chips from Lays. Super good but not found in Singapore. What a waste.
After saying goodbyes to my sister's family and my parents, we went to queue at the soup restaurant because the restaurant doesn't allow reservations for weekend. So there I was queueing at 6.20pm and waited till 7.20pm before I got in and guess what? None of my in-laws or bro-in-law's family reached yet. The lady was trying to get us the table asap and kept telling us the family occupying the table was there for over 2 hours and were still taking their own sweet time. In my mind, I was thinking, never mind..take as long as they want as the people from my side weren't here yet.
I was pretty embarassed as we were supposed to have 10 of us and only 2 of us were there when we got in. We did tell the rest to come at 7.30pm. I did not want to give up the place because there were so many people behind us who have 10 or more pax as well and if we gave it up, we would have to wait again for another hour. At 7.30pm, my in-laws came with my niece. So we called bro-in-law and they were still at home at 7.30pm....we waited and waited....at around 8pm, we called again and they were still at home. The waitresses were like keep popping in to see when they can start serving the food and I was telling my hubby, they must be gossiping that we were exactly like the table previously.
Eventually, I asked that we start eating first and bro-in-law's family only turn up at 8.30pm. By the time we finished, it's already 10pm and they were asking us to foot the bill as they were closing for the day.
We picked up my sis-in-law and then headed home. What an exhausting end to a weekend.